FluentMigrator Part II

Created on December 18, 2011.

As a result of my previous post of FluentMigrator, i thought publishing a follow-up article would be a great idea. Meanwhile I joined the team of FluentMigrator as a contributor. I would like to continue on the previous post and show some more common scenario’s.

The start

Let’s revisit the first migration we wrote, we where creating a unique index on email with a separate Create expression, with the latest bits, that is no longer necessary as the Unique() and Indexed() methods are now implemented for single column indexes.

using FluentMigrator;

namespace Blog.Migrations
  public class M0001_AddPerson : Migration
    public const string SchemaName = "Personalia";
    public const string TableName = "Person";
    public override void Up()

    public override void Down()


Just for reference i will add the command prompt syntax for the last time

..\Lib\Migrate.exe -a .\Blog.Migrations\bin\Debug\Blog.Migrations.dll -db SqlServer2008

Important: we no longer define the -conn parameter, if we add a connection to the app.config of our migration assembly named the same as our machine name, it will automagically fall back to that one. Another recent addition.

Let’s add some data to it

We’ll use the embedded script just as a showcase for it because you could also make this work with an Insert expression.

using FluentMigrator;

namespace Blog.Migrations
  public class M0002_AddDataToPerson :Migration
    public override void Up()
    public override void Down()
      Execute.Sql("DELETE FROM Personalia.Person");

We’ll also need an embedded sql script named: M0002_Data.sql

INSERT INTO Personalia.Person (FirstName, LastName, Email) VALUES ('Tom','Marien','tommarien@gmail.com');
INSERT INTO Personalia.Person (FirstName, LastName, Email) VALUES ('John','Doe','john.doe@gmail.com');

Remember that we could just rollback 1 step (1 migration) with following command (see Wiki)

..\Lib\Migrate.exe -a .\Blog.Migrations\bin\Debug\Blog.Migrations.dll -db SqlServer2008 -task rollback -steps 1

Add PersonType table with data

using FluentMigrator;
namespace Blog.Migrations
  public class M0003_AddPersonType : Migration
    public const string TableName = "PersonType";
    public override void Up()

      Insert.IntoTable(TableName).InSchema(M0001_AddPerson.SchemaName).Row(new {Id = 0, Name = "None"});
      Insert.IntoTable(TableName).InSchema(M0001_AddPerson.SchemaName).Row(new {Id = 1, Name = "Natural"});
      Insert.IntoTable(TableName).InSchema(M0001_AddPerson.SchemaName).Row(new { Id = 2, Name = "Legal" });
    public override void Down()

Last but not least

Add a column and foreign key constraint from Person(PersonTypeId) to PersonType(Id)

using FluentMigrator;
namespace Blog.Migrations
  public class M0004_AddForeignKeyToPerson : Migration
    public override void Up()

      Execute.Sql("UPDATE Personalia.Person SET PersonTypeId = 0");


    public override void Down()


Deadlock heaven: Serializable IsolationLevel


FluentMigrator, database migrations done right